Contact Us

Want to send us a quick message? Use the form on the right to contact us and we'll be in touch within 2 business days!

Please contact Audrey at for general inquiries, software issues, in-studio and out-of-studio events and workshops, marketing, and community outreach and donations.

Please contact Heather at for private events, private yoga/pilates requests, and trainings.

1204 Frankford Avenue
North Philadelphia, PA, 19125
United States

(267) 928 3176

Amrita Yoga & Wellness offers a variety of Yoga traditions, Pilates Mat, Pilates Group Reformer, Tai Chi, and Massage services in a beautiful space. Our studio is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chair Yoga with Heather

Reverse the harmful effects of sitting with these Chair Yoga sequences with Heather! This practice is designed to create balance and alleviate the negative symptoms of sitting for long periods of time.

Amrita Yoga & Wellness

Serving Philadelphia, PA

Chair Yoga with Heather Rice 

Reverse the harmful effects of sitting with these Chair Yoga sequences with Heather! This practice is designed to create balance and alleviate the negative symptoms of sitting for long periods of time.

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