Contact Us

Want to send us a quick message? Use the form on the right to contact us and we'll be in touch within 2 business days!

Please contact Audrey at for general inquiries, software issues, in-studio and out-of-studio events and workshops, marketing, and community outreach and donations.

Please contact Heather at for private events, private yoga/pilates requests, and trainings.

1204 Frankford Avenue
North Philadelphia, PA, 19125
United States

(267) 928 3176

Amrita Yoga & Wellness offers a variety of Yoga traditions, Pilates Mat, Pilates Group Reformer, Tai Chi, and Massage services in a beautiful space. Our studio is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Karma Yoga Club

karma yoga club

may we come together and be of service to those in need. We invite you to join us to become a greater force of positive change within the community of philadelphia.

Karma yoga can be defined as the spiritual practice of "selfless action performed for the benefit of others". Community can be defined by the shared attributes (geographic location, values, customs, beliefs, etc) of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. We at Amrita believe that being a positive part of community goes beyond the confines of the studio. We believe that alone one can only accomplish so much and that there is strength in connection and power in numbers. Actions carried out together are more impactful for creating positive change!

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." – Coretta Scott King 

We are inviting members of our community to join us in creating a ripples of positive change! May we come together to help those in need within our community of Philadelphia. The Karma Yoga Club will be actively heading outside of the studio to offer support to organizations that help others and uplift our community. Joining the club is free and how much time you invest in the club is up to you. There will be various gatherings, events and ways to contribute throughout the year.

Our first Karma Yoga event details are below. Please fill out the form following to join the club and let us know if you can take part in our upcoming event. We can’t wait to uplift our community with YOU!


Cradles To Crayons

The Giving Factory

4700 Wissahickon Ave, Suite 142

Philadelphia, PA 19144


Saturday September 24, 2022 10am-12pm


We will be helping out in the Giving Factory during Cradles to Crayons Big Give Week. Doing whatever they need to deliver clothes, school supplies and more to children (infants-12 years old) living in low-income and homeless situations within the Philadelphia region.


Fill out the form below to join the club. Please message us ‘YES to Cradles to Crayons’ to help with this event no later than 9/18/22!